On Thinking differently to improve your oil painting

The steps you should take so you will think differently.

How to translate everything into a "tone system" you can use to paint everything.

If you just remember two tips on thinking differently, you have made oil painting so much easier.
  •  A 5 stage thinking process to follow.
  • Why the big shapes are more important than the details.
  • Why painting is similar to building something, like a house.
  • How to "see" in the language of paint, learning to think differently.
  • Why you must understand what detail really is, it’s not just an eyelash!
  • How to paint from a drawing as your model, without the live model.
  • What is the maximum amount of time you should paint outdoors and why.
  • What is "oiling out" and why is it so important?
  • What really is glazing?
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