Choosing the Best Wood for Carving

Wood for Carving

Wood-like any other material has come up in so many types. But we need to know their characteristic so we know how to use them for wood carving. As each of the woods has a different texture and colour, we will need some guidance on which woods we have to use for our purpose. In this article, we will learn some tips on wood which we can use.

Wild Cherry 

Like other American fruit woods, wild cherry is a very good carving wood. It needs slow seasoning and tends to split if dried quickly. The sapwood is light and the heart-wood a reddish-brown. The texture is fine and even and it takes a smooth polish. It is also used in cabinetwork, frames and other decorative work.

Sweet Chestnut

This wood can be mistaken for oak but it is about twenty-five per cent lighter when seasoned. The silver grain present in oak is absent, however. It is easy to work and has been widely used for timber work in churches.


Ebony, not easily obtained, is black with a fine grain. The tools tend to be blunt because of the rather gritty nature of the wood. It will take fine detail and a high polish.


Elm, like ash, is a wood familiar in everyday life. We see it in wheelbarrows, furniture and garden seats, and like ash, it is tough and strong and suitable for large wood carvings.

Douglas Fir

This is very strong wood and quite hard. It does, however, have a great tendency to check, split, shrink, and swell.


This wood is fine-grained and heavy and is pure white in colour. As the holly is of shrub-like proportions, its wood can be used, like boxwood, only for small objects and carvings, musical instruments, and inlay. Holly is fairly easy to work with and will take detail without breaking or splitting.

Curly Jarrah

This wood is rich red in colour and is probably the most important tree found in Western Australia. It can grow to as much as six feet in diameter. Jarrah carves well and takes a very high natural polish. It is extremely durable. The grain is straight but with a wavy or rippling character.


This is the West African carver's favourite wood Exposure to air turns the wood from straw colour to red and the surface hardens. Finally, however, it becomes hard all through and it is resistant to termites.


This timber, not easily obtained, is found in Brazil and is similar to Indian Rosewood. Sizes are small, the maximum being 18 inches in diameter. The colour of the wood is remarkable, almost violet with narrow, regular black stripes interspersed with wide, lighter bands. The grain is uniform and the wood will burnish to a fine natural polish.

Lignum Vitae

This is one of the heaviest of all woods and is therefore widely used for mallets and tools where weight and toughness are required. The heartwood is dark greenish-brown and the sapwood a contrasting yellow. The fibres of the wood are interlocked and it is impossible to split, though it can be carved with sharp tools.


This is a favourite wood for sculpture. It is firm and pleasant to carve. The colour is white to yellowish pink. Lime takes stain or bleach readily, the latter turning the timber pure white. It is moderately hard and takes a very good polish. Lime is also used for drawing boards, hat blocks and cabinetwork.

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